Thursday, May 24, 2012

Yesterday was a very eventful day!! I spent the morning at Malagrose as I usually do and it was a lot of fun! I was in charge of activity so we made those little fortune tellers out of paper and pretended that we could tell the future. ahah For afternoon shift I was at Casa Alegria which is mostly the little healthy toddler aged kids (including my girl Lady). I have been sucking up to the worker so she has given me more "hold Lady time" haha just kidding but really I had a lot of fun with her today. We swung on the swing set and played in the sand. It is always especially  hard for me to leave her. Marcelo came and got me to play soccer with him but that didn't last long because Lady kept running in wanting to play too :) The shift started out kind of rough because I was sitting on the mat with the kids and I was looking in the opposite direction of Christian (a 6 year old autistic boy) and all a sudden he just falls on top of me and bonked me so hard on my cheek bone.. I haven't felt that much pain in awhile haha! Most likely I will be bruised tomorrow but that is okay! Then at the end of the shift I was feeding Jon (hes about 2) and then everything I had just fed him came back up.... so that was a good time. Hopefully no one reading this has a bad gag reflex ahaha But the craziest part of all..... all a sudden the Tia comes up to me holding this TEEENYY baby and starts rattling off in Spanish but surprisingly I was able to understand that the hospital had just brought a new baby and he was 8 days old.. no name.. and his parents had just left him at the hospital. She asked me to hold him and it was insane holding a baby that small and my heart just broke for him! It was just pretty hard seeing that happen first hand. I don't mean to make this a depressing post but there's a slight possibility I might have walking pneumonia or bronchitis... hopefully not though!! Everyone says that when you go to the doctor here if you have any type of fever they always give you a shot in your butt and that doesn't sit well with me hahah good thing I don't have a fever but anyways, on a happier note we went to this nice restaurant called Goda for dinner last night and they had crystal glasses so we all had a good time playing them Miss Congeniality style :) Fun facts of the day: at restaurants they give cough drops instead of mints here and when you flush the toilets they spin the opposite way. love you all a lot!!! Nicole

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