Monday, May 14, 2012

We have officially left the honeymoon stage of our trip where everything was lovely and wonderful and entered the oh my heavens this is hard stage haha. Everyone says this stage doesn´t last very long so we are crossing our fingers it doesnt :) Yesterday we got to go to church which was just what we needed! Of course we were missing our moms for mothers day but it was great to go and feel the spirit. Church here was a new experience because everyone basically walks in late and everything was just more relaxed but obviously the spirit was still the same even though we didn´t catch much of what they said. Last night for devotional we learned all the kids background stories. Its crazy because we have only been here  a week but already love them a lot. Hearing about their hard lives was literally heart breaking. Nicole´s buddy Lady who she got in trouble for holding has a mom who was about 16 when she had her. She is a prostitute and is super into drugs. Her mom doesn´t want her to be adopted but still doesn´t want her so Lady is just stuck in the orphanage. Pretty ridiculous and needless to say it reassures why we are here. If we ever see her mom... ooo hold us back hahah just kidding. We feel selfish for ever missing home because they don´t have one. We made a friend with our bus drivers kids and they are hilarious hahah (Nicole) taught them a nice handshake that they like to do 100 times a bus ride probably and they always tickle us and say "I lub you" haha that is how it sounds with their spanish accents. We always also say dice.. and then say some funny english phrase and its funny to hear them say it in their accents. thats probably bad but they laugh at us too when we try to speak spanish to them. Today we got to go ziplining and it was amazing!!!!!! So fun, and now we are adrenaline junkies haha It was kind of awkward though because one of the guys helping us down and hooking us up to the line was attractive and we didn´t think he knew english so we were all just joking around about him the whole time and as we were walking out Nicole said: i love you! then our group leader told us he understands english so thats great hahah Anna also thinks that if you say something english in a spanish accent then they can understand haha. the other day she caught herself saying "your so pretty" in a spanish accent to one of the little girls... we could not stop laughing:) she felt pretty dumb haha. Fun facts of the day: The other day when we were walking home from church we saw a man lying on the ground passed out drunk. that was weird! Also, bananas are the largest export from Ecuador and second is roses! Men don´t buy roses for women that they love because they are so cheap here, they actually buy sunflowers! ps.. we are not allowed to add pictures of the kids on facebook or a blog until they are private and we don´t know how to do that so thats why we haven´t added any yet :)

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